Lately, I have been giving a lot of thought to generosity. Perhaps this is due to the time of the year. The past Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to be thankful for what we have and to reach out to others who are less fortunate. But, as Henry mentioned, should we need a holiday to remind us of that? If we could integrate that way of living, how much better would this world be? It may be hard now to imagine an impact of that magnitude, but it may be easier to envision the change in our own corner of the world.
Sparking more thought on this topic, I have just finished reading a book called “I Like Giving” by Brad Formsma. Brad recently attended one of our workshops and was kind enough to give me one of his books. {It’s a good read, I recommend it!} Brad lives an intentional life of generosity, practicing what he preaches in his book. He encourages everyone to live a generous life in every way. The wide variety of stories in this book has helped expand my thinking on this topic. I hesitate to say it, but I used to think “generosity” was just about giving financially. Of course, that is one element; however, it is so much more than sharing our financial resources with others in need.
Many of us have more spare hours than we do spare money. Giving is about being generous with our time. It’s about being generous with small acts of kindness. Simply being thoughtful of others – even in small ways – taking time to listen, sending a note or even a quick text saying, “Hey, I am thinking about you”. You can make a five-minute phone call when someone comes to mind just to let them know you are thinking about them and offer some encouragement. These simple acts can make a difference in someone’s day. Personally, I am delighted when I receive one of those call or emails. I especially love hearing from past workshop attendees like I did today:
“Hey Maureen, I wanted you to know that I want to pay for a good friend to attend one of your workshops. My friend has noticed how much I have changed since I attended Empower Now, 2 years ago. He said, “the changes I see in you now, makes me want to find out more about why I am living life the way I am. I want to be different and don’t know how”. That was a great opportunity to tell him what a great experience this (workshop) was for me and that he can learn new skills too. I sent him the link to your website and told him to check out the workshops. When he calls, don’t tell him I am going to pay for him, just let him know he can attend. And, thanks for all you do!”
This young man is making a difference by generously giving to someone he cares about. It started with taking the time to listen to his friend. He saw his friend’s need and he responded out of the kindness of his heart. If you can send someone to a workshop, I hope you will. What a great gift. If you simply want to enrich someone’s life with a note, a call or perhaps an act of kindness to a stranger, I hope you will. I think you will find that it is indeed “more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Is there someone you want to bless by giving something that will encourage them and bring a smile to their face? I hope you will!
I also hope you might consider being generous and donating to GrowthSkills Foundation. We are committed to helping people heal, thrive and succeed in every area of life. We especially want to come alongside of pastors and those in the ministry who may not be able to afford to attend one of our workshops. As the end of the year approaches, would you please prayerfully consider helping GrowthSkills help others? As it says in Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper, he who refreshes others will be refreshed.” You will certainly bless some deserving folks – not just by bringing a smile to their faces, but by giving them the lasting gift of living life a new, better way. You will come to find that your act of generosity will bring refreshment to you as well!
May God bless you richly at Christmas and into the New Year!
Comments 2
I am convinced Brad is related to me,we share the same “intentional life of generosity”i have been struggling with my payment of $9 a month for my workshops because i used my credit card to help with someones need and got hurt .I hope i will learn from the situation and that it will not limit my willing to help.
Great Job , Maureen i am so proud of you.Arthorine