Anita Hansen

Anita Hansen

Most executives don’t have a safe space to process the pressures of leadership. Anita comes alongside, providing strategic guidance, and helping leaders fulfill their vision for their organization and everyday life.

Anita is a sought-after coach and strategist. Driven by a passion for people and growth, her background includes more than 25 years of multi-cultural leadership experience across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom in the areas of organizational change, leadership development, philanthropy, marketing, sales, and communications.

Anita is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and a Certified Working Genius Facilitator. As an executive coach trained through the Townsend Institute at Concordia University, Irvine, and the Makin Institute for NeuroChange, Anita brings experience and mastery in helping individuals and teams develop their potential through skill and character growth.

She is also a small and large groups facilitator who leads teams and group cohorts through workshop and retreat experiences. In the early part of her career, Anita quickly rose to leadership in marketing and fundraising roles—building teams, working with boards and volunteers, stewarding customer relationships, and growing both mission and revenue.

Then, for a decade as a senior consultant with TRG Arts, Anita worked with visual and performing arts clients in the United States and Canada. She brought her signature coaching style to TRG's renowned data-driven and patron-centric consulting.

Anita's visionary leadership of TRG Art group consulting practice created rich growth communities as individuals and teams learned industry skills with peers in a guided, collaborative environment.

Through the value of authenticity, Anita walks the growth and change path that she advocates with as a coach and consultant. Anita's life is proof of the power of people.


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