“Growth365 has been a very valuable tool for continuing my UL experience. The monthly calls, with a caring and insightful facilitator and people who I have built trust with, provide the grace and truth I need to become a healthier leader. Growth365 is helping me to become more confident and connect current issues with root causes that my group helped me identify at UL.”
Lori, Pastor, Culver City, CA
Ultimate Leadership - May 2018 Green Team
Going through OWI was incredibly illuminating on both personal and professional levels. The Cloud-Townsend model of personal growth unifies my knowledge of psychology with biblical principles and gives me a perspective of clients that can be easily translated into helpful treatment. Growth365 has helped me stay in contact with the people I learned this model with, so my context and support team are present as I work! Of course, the facilitators are second to none. I am grateful they are offering their services this way—it’s an incredible opportunity!”
Stephanie, Counselor in Training, Montana
One Week Intensive for Counselors - 2018 Orange Team
“I am a clinical chaplain from Eastern Oregon. I get isolated out here and find the monthly connection to my UL Life Team is refreshing and a professional necessity. While the group has lost a few participates we now have a committed core along with empathic leadership. Count me in!”
Kirk, Clinic Chaplain, Oregon
Ultimate Leadership - July 2017 Yellow Team
“I traveled across the country to attend the Ultimate Leadership Workshop. That was a big investment in time and money. Was it worth it? Absolutely! Would it have been worth it without Growth365? Questionable. It is very difficult to let down defenses, make meaningful connections, and change one's thinking and habits. Growth365 has been a way to maintain the insights and gains from the Ultimate Leadership Workshop out in the real world with support from my teammates.”
Cynthia, Optometrist, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Ultimate Leadership - July 2017 Yellow Team
"No doubt that God answered thepre-conference prayer and divinely orchestrated the group, as 16 months later we are in regular contact. The group has literally become family. We are doing life together; lifting each other up in prayer, counsel, and overall support. Many in our group are dealing with some heavy life burdens; magnified by the pandemic. We have collectively as a group rallied around each other and filling the gaps even though we are separated by miles. Thank you for the continued work you do at the GrowthSkills Foundation. Keep up the great work and we will all rejoice when you are able to hold live conferences once again.”
Jeff, Mentor, OH
Empower Now - October 2019 Blue Team